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Grow Your Trading Account
7x Bigger7x Faster, and With 7x Less Risk

Through the Super Portfolio Rotation Signals With A 96.25% Win Rate!

Dear SmartTrader,

Since June, there have been 80 trades with 77 winners for a 96.25% win rate

The 1-Year return has been 15.7%.

These trades are delivered directly to your inbox with entry and exit instructions and are backed by a 30 year professional trader, investor, and business guru Ryan Jones.

Introducing Super Stock Rotation Alerts Where
We Will Invest in Rock-Solid, Proven Stocks and
Let the Compounding Create Our Wealth

Here’s what happens with the power of compounding:
These results could not be achieved with buy and hold trading. It would be a very unrealistic goal. 

That’s what makes the Super Portfolio Rotation Alerts so unique…they put you on the path towards compounding growth.

The S&P is often carried by a small group of stocks. So if you aren’t invested in the right stocks, you won’t win. 

The first secret to achieving above average returns is to have a group of rock-solid, proven stocks that have consistently out-performed the S&P 500 year in and year out.


Rather than sifting through thousands of different stocks hoping to pick a good one, the Super Portfolio Rotation only invests in the most proven, consistent stocks on the planet.

I’m talking about stocks that have consistently beat the S&P 500 with less risk.

I’m talking about stocks that can hold their own like a pitbull in a cat fight.

Not every stock makes the cut. These popular stocks didn’t make it past my 4 conditions that must be met.


The SUPER PORTFOLIO ROTATION doesn’t just pick any stock, it only picks the stocks that are ALREADY good investments.

Most market letters and stock picking gurus are picking risky, unproven stocks looking for the “home run” so they can brag about it later. But they don’t tell you that for every “home run” stock they pick, they pick 10 dogs.
The SUPER PORTFOLIO ROTATION starts with the best, and that alone increases the probability, consistency and reliability of our stock picks…and with far less risk.

Hedge funds would kill for my list of 150 stocks that I hand-picked to be part of my Super Stocks Pool.


Even starting with the best stocks, you don’t want to necessarily hold onto them all the time. Efficiency matters.

For example, my SUPER PORTFOLIO ROTATION only holds onto stocks about 50% of the time. However, that 50% of the time captures 120% of the profit potential, with 33% of the risk!

It's like shaving the fat off a good cut of meat.

We pick the best stocks, at the right times.


This is what sets the timing of the SUPER PORTFOLIO ROTATION apart from the rest... 

With my 30-years of experience, I have identified four critical conditions that need to be present to achieve the highest efficiency possible with any stock investment.

These four conditions make good stock investments, GREAT stock investments.

Here is how it works

If all 4 conditions are present, I buy. As soon as one of the conditions no longer exists, I exit the stock and wait for all 4 conditions to be present again. It is literally that simple.

Because of this, the average stock trade lasts between 3 – 4 months with an average return of almost 13%!

That comes to an average annualized return of nearly 40% on many of the stock rotations in the Super Portfolio Rotation approach.


  • Never Lose Sleep Over Your Investments Again
  • Maximize Potential Compounded Growth
  • Potentially Make Money Even if Stocks Crash
  • ​Participate in the Recovery
  • ​Invest With Confidence
  • ​Create Substantially Better Consistency
Nothing to learn, No software to set up, It requires very little time (a few minutes each week), and requires very little capital.

You can take my exact trades through my SUPER PORTFOLIO ROTATION market letter. Each month, I provide a newsletter that discusses the stocks we are in, and reveals the stocks we are looking to rotate in and out of the following month.

This is followed up by a weekly ROTATION ALERT where I provide exact entry and/or exit signals for each stock.

And that INCLUDES how much of my account I am allocating to any given stock rotation (KEY #3)...

I will also host a Quarterly Webinar, we will discuss the portfolio performance, the previous quarter’s stock rotations, and the outlook for the following quarter.



When you become a member of the Super Portfolio Rotation, you will automatically get what is perhaps the most important video on hedging you will ever watch.

Since the Super Portfolio Rotation STARTS with 150 stocks that are superior to 98% of all stocks available, the risk associated with any significant drop in stocks, or even if they crash, should be diminished. But nothing is guaranteed. And, if stocks do crash, even a diminished risk can be a significant loss.

Because of this, it is important to at least partially hedge any stock portfolio. That is just prudent.

I will show you exactly how you can completely hedge your entire Super Portfolio Rotation account so that if stocks do crash and take the Super Portfolio Rotation stocks with them, your risk will be significantly limited, and could be eliminated altogether.

This bonus video is yours at NO EXTRA COST.
Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy

Ryan Jones

June 2024

Annual Subscription

Price: $1997.00

Today Only $997

Yes! I Need This!

I want access to Super Portfolio Rotation. Please give me INSTANT access to the following right now:
  • The Entire 150 Super Portfolio Stock List
  • SPR Weekly Newsletter With - Exact Entry and Exit Instructions
  • Super Portfolio Rotation Monthly Newsletter
  • ​Quarterly Super Portfolio Rotation Recap Webinar
  • ​Bonus Video: How to Hedge Any Stock Portfolio

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SG emphasizes that investment in the securities of smaller companies can involve greater risk than is generally associated with investment in larger, more established companies, and can result in significant capital losses that may have a detrimental effect on the value of your investments.

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Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any structuring of a portfolio of investments, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns.

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