00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
The Only Workshop Designed to Create Million $$ Traders
 Through Low-Risk, High-Probability Option Strategies
September 12 - 13, 2024
Time is Running Out - Limited Space - Only A Few Spots Remain
Time is Money. So is Knowledge.

Combine them and you have the recipe to write your own check.

This is what the Cash Flow Spreads strategy gives you.

For the rest of your life, you will have the ability to potentially generate significant income with the strategy that has the most efficient risk/reward metrics available of any investment strategy out there.

The Cash Flow Spreads Strategy actually provides you an arsenal of weapons that all take advantage of one, very powerful, proven concept.

Warped Time Decay.

Just a few short years ago, this strategy was not even available because the only expirations available were monthly expirations.

Then came Friday expirations. Then Monday, then Wednesday, and now there are expirations available every day of the week.

The opportunities that exist between these expirations are unmatched in the history of investing. 

Multiple expirations during the week allow traders to create consistent opportunities for high-probability, low-risk profits.

Take for example the original Cash Flow strategy, one of the simplest, and most powerful ways to take advantage of “Warped Time Decay”
September 12th - 13th, 2024


At the End of the Workshop, Using What You Learn in the Workshop, I Will Take a Couple of Trades with a Large Trade Size and Whatever Profits Those Trades Make (if any) the Following Week Will be Shared With Participants in the form of a Rebate Up to the Cost of the Workshop.
No One Puts Their Money Where There Mouth is Like This
$16,895 Over 10-Trades in 2-Weeks
One of the first Strategies You Will Learn is the Strategy the Name “Cash Flow” Was Coined From. It is a Very Powerful Strategy That Can Create Significant Profits in Normal Market Conditions. From there, you will learn several other Cash Flow variations, all giving you a high probability of being able to pull cash out of the market on a consistent basis while keeping your risks small.
Cash Flow – The Governor
 Cash Flow – Wealth Builder
 Cash Flow Million $$ Pattern
 Cash Flow Combination King
 Cash Flow Profit Stacker
 Cash Flow Windfall
Check Out This Series of Trades That Produced $16,895 in Just 2-Weeks Across 10-Trades using my powerful Cash Flow Strategies…Actual Fills, Not Hypothetical.
Better Than Real-Estate, Crypto, Penny Stocks, Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis…Better Than Anything I Know, and Here’s Why…

Most investment strategies and opportunities require quite a bit of capital, risk, and a very low probability of creating generational type wealth. 
Creating Generational Wealth With the Cash Flow Option Spread Strategy
The Cash Flow Workshop gives you all the tools to be able to create generational wealth through the power of my very special compounding strategy. Uniquely designed for the Cash Flow Spread Strategy, this compounding strategy is like adding nitrous to your engine, exploding the potential growth of your account.
Conservative 1-Lot Increments
$10/Week Grows $5,000 into $67,600 in 5-Years

$20/Week Grows $5,000 into $270,400 in 5-Years

$30/Week Grows $5,000 into $608,400 in 5-Years

$40/Week Grows $5,000 into $1,081,000 in 5-Years
Aggressive 5-Lot Increments
$10/Week Grows $10,000 into $338,000 in 5-Years

$20/Week Grows $10,000 into $1,352,000 in 5-Years

$30/Week Grows $10,000 into $3,042,000 in 5-Years

$40/Week Grows $10,000 into $5,408,000 in 5-Years
If you can average just $20 per week with the Cash Flow Option Spread strategy, that then compounds into as much as $270,000 in just 5-years starting with a $5,000 account. 

The KEY to building generational wealth is in the compounding. And the best strategy to apply this powerful compounding approach is the Cash Flow Option Spread strategy. 

In fact, you can start trading certain variations of the Cash Flow Strategy with a very small account of just $1,000. These variations are often risking less than $30 on a trade. And because of the low risks, the compounding is extremely efficient, giving you the ability to create generational wealth based on just $10 - $15 average per lot size, per week. 
There are a lot of great strategies included in his powerful workshop. But if you are worried about information overload, rest easy, you’ll have LIFETIME access to the recording of every single session.
Super Simple to START
With Our Special Million $$ Step by Step Blueprint
The Cash Flow Option Spread workshop is designed so that you will walk away with a Million $$ Blueprint, knowing the exact steps you will begin to take the following Monday to get started. 

For example, the Cash Flow Option Spread Workshop Million $$ Blueprint you will receive at the workshop starts with the most simple Cash Flow strategy that has super low risks and is extremely easy to implement.   

Here is a recent Million $$ Pattern trade in SPX, actual fill, with a large potential win/loss ratio and maximum risk of only $300. 
This is a single spread order. The opportunities are easy to find. There is no mid-trade management. It takes less than 10 minutes each week to implement. 

You will start off with a trade like this in SPX, or QQQ, or SPY, depending on your account size, and then methodically build your account by following the Million $$ Blueprint revealed to you during the Workshop. 
BONUS Rebate
Toward the end of the workshop, I will take several significant lot-size trades, live. I’ll tell you exactly what I expect from the trades, and whatever profits these trades yield (if any), I will share with the Workshop attendees, up to the cost of the workshop, in the form of a rebate.   

Who else does that?
This is the trading event of the year you do not want to miss.
$9,997 ONLY $3,197

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Spyrol Group ("SG") and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibility for your trading and investment results. All the material contained herein is believed to be correct, however, SG will not be held responsible for accidental oversights, typos, or incorrect information from sources that generate fundamental and technical information. Trading carries significant risk. Futures and futures options trading carries significant risk. Trading securities, security options, futures and/or futures options is not for every investor, and only risk capital should be used. You are responsible for understanding the risk involved with trading.

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Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any structuring of a portfolio of investments, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns.

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2024 Spyrol Group LLC