Unlock The Potential To Grow A Small Account Into A 6 Figure Income
How My SmartStack Gives You The Tools To Start Building Generational Wealth (Without Risking The Family Farm)
In a real-money trading contest, I turned a $15,000 account into over $107,000 in just 68-days, setting a new record for the fastest growth to 600% that contest had ever seen. 2nd place wasn’t even close. Was it because I had this super-duper crazy holy-grail type strategy?


Quite the opposite actually. It was just a simple, average technical analysis based strategy.

Was it because I got lucky on a few big trades?


Quite the opposite actually. I had a profit target set on every trade, so my biggest winner wasn’t that much bigger than my average winner.

What was it then you ask? It was how I scaled it.


There is nothing out there that will give you the risk-reward metrics that a low-risk/high-probability strategy gives you when you combine it with proper compounding. Average $10, $20 or $30 per week. It is simple math.

If you can average $30 per week, you’re talking about growing a $5,000 account into $600,000, conservatively, after 5 years.
I have put together a “Smart Stack” of resources showing you how to utilize low risk/high probability strategies and make them work for you through the power of compounding. 

Here is a taste of what you can start utilizing immediately.

Power of PPD in Weekly Options

This is the core of the strategy behind CashFlow.

It is the single most important attribute behind creating unprecedented trading opportunities. 

What you will learn in the video is very powerful, and if traded properly, the probabilities of long-term success are heavily and mathematically fixed in your favor. This does not mean there are no risks. 

PPD stands for Price Per Day.

If you want to understand how options work this is where you start. Every option has a PPD. 

You calculate the overall PPD by dividing the time value of the option by the number of days left until option expiration. 
This is an “out of the money" option, in the video I also detail this calculation for an option that is “in the money”.

The KEY to understanding the unprecedented opportunities in weekly options is to understand the Warped PPD Values between various options. 

Here’s what Warped PPD values come down to:
BUY Cheap PPD Options
SELL Expensive PPD Options
Once you understand this one piece of information it is worth more than all of the options courses, publications, and books. 

This is the backbone behind every option strategy I trade. I don’t look at the price of the option to first determine which is the best option to buy or sell, I look at the PPD value first. 

I have had some pretty crazy track records associated with PPD type strategies, including one where I had 54 winning trades in a row, not suffering a single losing trade for an entire year (not hypothetical trades).

1-2 Super Punch

The 1-2 Super Punch outlines how to grow a $2,500 account through a simple weekly options strategy. 

The words “safely” and “astronomically” generally cannot be used in the same sentence when discussing growing a trading account. But that is precisely what I show you how to do in my 1-2 Super Punch Strategy Short Course.
When I use the word “safely”, I do not mean there are no risks in trading. The issue is: How much risk are you taking for how much potential gain?

1-2 Super Punch teaches you how to geometrically grow your account while taking A FRACTION OF THE RISKS… as in, if you can allocate $2,500 to this strategy, you have the potential to create a 6-figure portfolio.

See my option pattern structure for yourself:
This is a solid trade with slightly bigger risks to the upside and the maximum risk to the downside at $136.

You can see a wide profit zone which gives you a higher probability that as the market moves through the profit zone, you’ll have the opportunity to exit the trade before it reaches the slightly bigger risk area to the upside. 
My 1-2 Super Punch Approach Takes Advantage of the Cash Flow Relationship Between Friday Expiration Options and Monday Expiration Options
Here is a real trade result (Actual Fills, No Hypotheticals) with this approach: 
Here is a 3-trade combination that ultimately cleared almost $4,000 in less than a week with ridiculously small risks:
Here is another 3 set trade series:
  • Simple Bullish 
  • Simple Bearish
  • ​Simple Neutral
  • ​​1 – 2 Super Punch Bullish
  • ​1 – 2 Super Punch Bearish
  • ​1 – 2 Super Punch 4 Basic Variations
You will be part of a community of traders who consistently realize a small average weekly net profit compounded can potentially be scaled to a 5-figure weekly income.

The Governor

This might seem like it’s just too simple of a solution. But I am here to tell you that $73/week becomes $711,750 through the combination of the following 2-things:
  • Low-Risk Strategy
  • Powerful Compounding
All Traders are different, with different circumstances, different experience levels, different successes, failures, personalities, available time, knowledge, etc.

But Most traders don’t understand the power of a measly $73.

And to be even more conservative, if you were only able to average just $10 weekly, it still has the potential to put you in a better position than trying to pick the next ballistic stock.

It is simple math utilizing my low risk strategies and applying my unique compounding plan.

The Governor is the invisible barrier on how high the market can travel across a period of time. Take a look at what I mean:

Basic Credit Spread:
Building on the Credit Spread is a Diagonal Spread:
This loses money at a lesser rate while not giving up much more of the credit. We then build on top of the Diagonal Spread to a Tighter Spread:
This increases your probability with almost no risk to the downside. We are not shooting to win big. We are working towards a weekly average of wins and COMPOUNDING it into potential geometric gains.

You’ll Learn…
  • Learn the basics behind the mathematical probabilities in using EMR and the Governor
  • Compounding small gains for long term success
  • ​Putting the odds in your favor by implementing diagonals and various strike widths
  • ​​Why diagonals outperform standard verticals and why you should be using them in your trading
The Governor is just the tip of the Iceberg.

If you are new to my approach to options, this is a great starting point. The Governor is a solid foundation on what I do in my live trade calls every week.

Learn this and then we can expand on it to create even higher probabilities and to open your mind to a better understanding of trading options.

CashFlow Trilogy

You’re equipping yourself with the tools and knowhow to have the future you’ve always wanted with the CashFlow Trilogy

At the end of every day you’re going to get alerts for the next day. It’s a simple straight forward trading plan. You don’t have to worry about picking market direction, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or the next ballistic stock. 

CashFlow Trilogy focuses on providing simple, low-risk trades designed to give you a high probability of achieving an average of $30+ per week so you can efficiently compound your account into a six-figure income generating machine. 

Now, let’s take a look at a CashFlow trade. 

The trade below has a $38 risk to the upside and a $38 risk to the downside. 

This particular trade netted on the day of exit $160 gain. Remember, you only need to net $30 a week to realize the power of compounding.

Works In Any Market Condition or Direction

You’ll only need about $2,000 in your trading account to get started. These will be very low risk trades. And you’ll only need to take about one to three trades a week. You do not need to take every trade that is sent to you. 

As a member of CashFlow Trilogy you’ll get:
  • Three trade opportunities every day the market is open
  • Four educational videos on the CashFlow Strategy
  • ​Trading Plan with a compounding schedule
  • ​​Trilogy Quickstart Video
  • ​How to turbo charge any strategy
  • ​And a bonus video My Secret CashFlow Formula
As a member of CashFlow Trilogy, you’ll have access to a trading strategy so simple:
  • There’s virtually no risk to the downside
  • Virtually no risk to the upside
  • ​And an unbelievable probability of success
This strategy is so powerful you could build your portfolio around it. 

You’re not going to kill it on a per trade basis with these powerful trades but they are efficient for compounding and growing your account. 

Twin Peaks Report

This one-of-a-kind report and video uncovers and reveals one of trading’s best kept secrets…I call it the Twin Peaks Cash Flow Option Pattern

The Twin Peaks pattern is simple, easy to trade, and extremely effective for geometrically growing your account. 
  • Works in All Market Conditions
  • Extremely Low Risk (Often Less Than $20)
  • ​Requires Very Little Capital
  • ​​90%+ Probability of Success Common
  • ​Efficient for Compounding
The compounding plan is designed to reach $5,000 - $7,000 average weekly gains (refer to the compounding schedule in the Live Trade Calls section).

In this extensive report, I reveal every detail about this pattern you need to generate consistent, low-risk weekly gains. Nothing is left out. The report lays out proper expectations, risks, pitfalls, entry instructions, exit instructions, and daily price matrix examples across several variations of the pattern. It also includes tips for increased probabilities, a compounding plan, plus it comes with an instructional video going over the details in the report. 

Since you are most likely new to the CashFlow Option Spreads strategy, this is a great starter pattern. It is easy to understand, simple to trade, with very low risks. 

The risks associated with trading this pattern are fully spelled out and explained within the report. There are hidden risks, risk traps, changing market conditions, and other risks traders should be fully aware of before taking any trades, including CashFlow Option Spreads. The more you understand the risks, the better you will be able to further mitigate the risks by how you trade the spreads. We don’t hide from risks, we address them head on.

This CashFlow Option Pattern is designed to be able to take advantage of all three major market categories. Whether you want to create a bullish, bearish or neutral Twin Peaks trade, it is easy to do, all with very low risks (often less than $20).  

This one single CashFlow Option Spread Pattern is worth more than all the non-CashFlow option educational courses you have taken combined. The reason is because it enables virtually ANYONE to potentially grow your account with low-risk trades.  

The amount of long-term research, actual trading experience, and knowledge contained in this one, single report would take years and years for an individual trader to accumulate.

Live Trade Calls

My Live Trade Calls are like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. 

There are no hypothetical track records or “what if’s”. 

These are actual trades, placed live, using my personal trading account. That’s how confident I am in these trades and my CashFlow approach. 
Week after week you will learn the theory, execute the theory LIVE - while you watch, with real money on real trades. 
Let’s start by looking at this seemingly simple, “no-risk” trade. There is risk, there is always risk, but it’s so minimal it appears that there is none at all. 
I ended up pocketing $5,915 on this trade in just 3 days on a larger lot size. 

This trade alone is worth attending my live trade sessions for, but trades aren’t always this simple and straightforward. 

There are often similar trades, but you need to know where they are and what to expect in reality. 

That’s why it’s important to attend the live trade sessions. 

Every week I will reveal to you dozens of ways to give yourself a high-probability of realizing consistent profits while risking very little capital… 

Usually less than $100, and often, much less. 
Tools, Knowledge, and Trade Opportunities That Can Make You a Million $$ Trader in the Next 5-Years or Less Starting With a Small, $5,000 Account
As you start to grow your account that’s where compounding comes in, and that is how you become a million $$ trader. I’ve mentioned compounding a few times as you’ve been reading and I like to say this is where the fun really begins
In order to become a million $$ trader all you have to do is average a small weekly gain and then apply my powerful compounding strategy. 

I’ll give you dozens of ways to achieve this goal, taking very small risks and giving yourself a high probability of success. 
This is One of the Most Stress-Free Forms of Trading You’ll Ever Participate In
You don’t have to worry about market direction.

You’ll never have to worry about a market crash or correction. 

Every Week I provide:
  • Different setups
  • Different ideas for increasing probabilities
  • ​Different ideas for increasing profit potential
  • ​​Risk warnings
  • ​Market condition changes
  • ​Exact trades I am taking and why
Once you join you’ll have access to a members only website. 

You’ll have access to:
  • All webinar recordings
  • The Power of PPD (Video)
  • ​CashFlow SPY - Strategy Basics (Video)
  • ​​CashFlow Trade Size & Compounding Part 1 (Video)
  • ​CashFlow Trade Size & Compounding Part 2 (Video)
  • ​CashFlow Trade Size & Compounding Part 3 (Video)
  • ​Profit Stacking - Strategy Basics (Video)
  • ​Crazy Calendar - Strategy Basics (Video)
  • ​Trading Plan
This is all on top of joining the weekly live trade sessions. And sometimes we’ll meet twice a week. 

You’ll get email and text alerts so you don’t miss a thing. 

I’ll be using PDS Trader and TradePartner during the Live Trade Sessions. 
The Live Trade Sessions are a NO BRAINER if You Want to Become a Million $$ Trader

PDS Trader

PDS Trader was built by traders for traders. It finds the best opportunities on a wide range of strategies. 

There are two main components of PDS Trader: Portfolios and Strategy Builder. 


Portfolios at its core is a cost analysis tool that helps you find the best trade. 

Take a look at the example below. 
This chart was built with the Portfolios tool and it allows us to view spreads in projected risk graphs to compare multiple opportunities. 

You can adjust the criteria of your spread to see how the risk/reward ratio changes throughout the life of the trade.

This feature is invaluable to how I decide which trades I want to take week after week. 

You are also able to combine portfolios to better compare the risk/reward. 

Strategy Builder

With Strategy Builder you can scan different combinations of your spreads based on custom ranges for each leg. This offers cost and risk control

You can scan based on PPD (price per day) and EMR (Equal Movement Ratio) or both. EMR is a proprietary measurement that I created. 
As the trade is adjusted you can monitor your profit to risk ratio. 

In this trade there’s higher risk to the downside but no risk to the upside. The upside potential is $357 and the downside potential is $227. 

Connect PDS Trader and TradePartner

Send spreads to your portfolios for further analysis and/or adjustments and then directly to your connected TradePartner account for easy execution. 

PDS Trader Bonus Videos

Three videos will guide you step by step through Bearish Trades, Neutral Trades, and Bullish Trades. 

These comprehensive videos will not only have you using PDS Trader like a pro, they will also give you insight into the CashFlow strategy. 

Ben's Trade of the Week

Ben’s CashFlow Signals have been underway since July of 2022. In that time, it has racked up a 71% win rate with only 2 losses exceeding $100.

You can see some of my latest trades below.
These trades are not going to hit a home run, nor are they designed to.

These trades are designed to produce small, consistent winning trades that can geometrically grow into a 7-figure/year income.

Without a lot of risk.

Works in Any Market Direction

It doesn’t matter whether the markets go up, down or sideways. These trades work in any market direction.

Beats the Pants off Inflation

The return since inception on a single lot, non-compounded, was 40%. The compounded return jumps to 150%!

Using a 10-lot position size, you could potentially add around $60,000 of additional income. Not a bad supplement to your bottom line every year.
Compounding Creates $111,000 Potential Income in 1-Year

However, when you get to 10-lots, and continue to compound, your account could grow to as much as $111,000 in a single year based on the performance of the actual trades track record.
CashFlow Option Spreads are Unlike Anything You Have Seen

The Cash Flow Option Spread strategy focuses on creating a significant mathematical edge while keeping maximum risk levels extremely low.

There are an endless number of ways to take advantage of the approach based on Ryan’s work.

Ben’s signals show the diversity of application, and the incredible mathematical probabilities associated with these opportunities.  
Here is another trade signal provided, actual fills. 
Here is What You Get With Ben’s Cash Flow Signals
  • Exact Signals Sent to Your TradePartner (If you don’t have TradePartner, you’ll be provided a free version) (tradepartner.io)
  • Amazing Trade Opportunities Only Available with the Cash Flow Strategy
  • ​​A Clear, Detailed Explanation of the Trades, Exits, and Results from the Previous Week
  • ​​Updates on Performance So You Can See the Potential With Compounded Growth
  • ​End of Week Video Recap

Trade Partner

TradePartner will increase your profit potential, increase your probability of realizing profits, lower your risks, and decrease the probability of realizing risks.

We spend way too much time trying to generate more returns when in reality, more time is more valuable than more returns.

Very few people want to spend their time sitting in front of the screen all day long to generate returns. 

But, the fact of the matter is, if you don’t do that, you are missing out on opportunities, decreasing your profit potential, and increasing your risk.

And Now, You Don’t Have to…

One major premise behind TradePartner was to create a “Trading Partner” that would watch the markets for you so you can generate better returns without spending the time to do so.

How does it do this?

There are only 2 ways to place an option-spread trade…

Sit in front of the screen all day
Use TradePartner
This is because there isn’t a broker in the universe that will let you place an exit order for an options spread that has not been entered. They simply do not allow it. 

My plan was to exit part of the spread at a profit after I was filled on the trade. 

I was going to place this trade:
Long 2 Options
Short 2 Options
Placed as a Spread

Once Filled: Exit 1 Short at a Profit
I would have to literally watch the market for the order above to be filled so I can place my partial exit order. 

The problem - long story short - I had to run out and needed to leave my computer. 

My spread was filled, but I wasn't there to place my partial exit order. The market moves, my partial exit order would have been filled, and then it moved right back away from my profit. 

This one, very simple limitation cost my over $100 per spread that day for a total of $1,000.

All because I wasn’t sitting in front of my computer. 

Because there are 5 legs to this trade, and exchanges Do NOT allow more than 4-legs in one order

How TradePartner places this trade:

TradePartner places the first order:
Sell 1
 Sell 1
 Buy 1
 Buy 2
For a Debit of 2.25
TradePartner then sits and waits for this trade to be filled.

And as soon as this trade is filled, it then places the 5th leg.

Why do I want the 5th leg placed?...

Without 5th leg:
With 5th Leg:
What you’re seeing is a complete reduction of risk, it’s not gone but it’s minimal. 

Some of you might be saying…that seems too difficult…5-legs in a trade.

The only reason that might seem too difficult is before TradePartner, almost no one is even able to think about this kind of trade. 

Or commissions on 5-legs is too much (which is why TradePartner is hooked up with 
Tradier Brokerage offering $0 commission trading, it is also hooked up with Charles Schwab).

There are too many tremendous opportunities out there available through adding legs or 
exiting legs at a profit once a trade is placed to let “I’ve never done it that way” to be an excuse not to learn to do it that way.
Once you start thinking this way, the possibilities are literally endless…
Traders (and especially option traders) miss out on tremendous opportunities based on intraday moves that occur in the market every day.

Take a look at this trade. 

Market Opening…
Within One Hour…
Within 2-Hours of the Market Opening…
That’s a lot of movement to watch so you get your timing right. 

Now, if you still don’t think you want to capitalize on this type of trading on your own, you are still going to want to use TradePartner…

There are Three Major Components of TradePartner:
SmartFills, SmartOrders, SmartShare

Smart Fills get you the best fill every time. 

This alone is worth the cost of membership. Bid/ask spreads can be all over the board, especially with lower volume options and almost any options spread. 

You might see a Bid of $0.50 and an Ask of $1.50 and you really have no clue where you will be filled… and you certainly can’t go in at market. You place the order to buy the spread at $1.00 and are filled immediately. And you’re like “Shoot! I could have gotten a better price”.

You could sit there and place an order at the Bid and just keep canceling and replacing your order… or you could let SmartFills get you the best price

I do a lot of options selling, especially put options.

Let’s take a look at this trade.
Here the Bid/Ask spread is $0.53 and it’s anyone’s guess where it will be filled… most people stick the order in at the mid. 

Here’s how to do it with SmartFills.
  • Set start price
  • ​Set end price
  • ​Adjustment amount is .01
  • ​Set the time every 20 seconds
  • ​Then click on confirm
What SmartFills will do is place the order at $0.63, hold it for 20 seconds, if not filled, cancel the order and replace at $0.62. Rinse and Repeat until it’s filled or reaches $0.36, and then either holds or cancels

This was filled at $0.51, $0.15 better than the mid, and on a 10-Lot, that comes to $150 in additional profits. 
Remember earlier when I was telling you about a spread that cost me $1,000 in profits back before I created TradePartner. I had an order in place on a simple option spread… the plan was to exit a portion of that spread at profit after I was filled on the trade.
Long 2 Monday Expires 395, Short 2 Friday Expires 391 Calls after filled, I want to exit one of the 391 calls.

Look at all of the risk I was exposed to because brokers won’t let you place an exit order (partial or otherwise) for a spread that has not been filled yet.

And this one, very simple limitation cost me over $100 per spread that day for a total of $1000.

All because I wasn't there when my trade was filled to place my profit target order.

This is WHY I created TradePartner.

SmartOrders help reduce risk
  • Orders placed conditional on order being filled or canceled
  • ​Orders placed/canceled on time of day or day of month
  • ​Order placed/canceled based on underlying market value
  • ​Combination of all 3
All TradePartner subscribers get access to SmartShare. If you want to follow my TradePartner signals, Ben’s Trade of the Week, or Xtra Dividends you can simply connect the account - don’t worry it’s easy, we already will have it linked behind the scenes . (And you will be notified by email and text when you receive one.)
Currently Hooked Up to the following brokers:
  • Tradier Brokerage
  • ​Schwab (coming soon)
  • ​More Coming Soon
SmartTrading and myself get no “kick-back” from the brokers for doing this.

Bonus Content:

SuperSeasonals - SuperSeasonals is the #1 proven directional stock strategy that consistently produces annualized returns of 100%, 200%, 300%+ with a fraction of the risk associated with buy & hold.

SuperSeasonals Video Lessons - A deep dive into seasonal trading and how to get the most out of the Super Seasonal Tool

Cash Cow - This is a trading strategy that has the potential to turn a $1k account into a $47k account in as little as a year. 

Hedging videos 1 and 2 - Market corrections happen, this is how you prepare. 

Here’s What The SmartStack Starter Pack Gives You:

Power of PPD Video - $197
Hedging Videos 1 & 2 - $197
1 2 Super Punch Short Course - $197
The Governor - $197
3-months of Cash Flow Trilogy - $497
3-month trial to CashFlow Live Trade Weekly Webinars - $497
3-month trial to PDS Trader - $297
3-months of Ben’s Trade of the Week - $297
Cash Cow Strategy - $297
3-month trial to TradePartner - $297
Cashflow Twin Peaks Report - $197
Cash Flow Double Peaks Report - $197
3-months of SuperSeasonals - $197
SuperSeasonals Video Lessons - $497
Special Membership Discounts on Other Products/Renewals
As a new SmartTrader you can access all of this for only $497. Normally this would cost $3,761. That’s a savings of 87%!
Go ahead and fill out the order information below and you’ll be trading with the pros before you know it. 

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Spyrol Group ("SG") and all individuals affiliated with this site assume no responsibility for your trading and investment results. All the material contained herein is believed to be correct, however, SG will not be held responsible for accidental oversights, typos, or incorrect information from sources that generate fundamental and technical information. Trading carries significant risk. Futures and futures options trading carries significant risk. Trading securities, security options, futures and/or futures options is not for every investor, and only risk capital should be used. You are responsible for understanding the risk involved with trading.

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Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any structuring of a portfolio of investments, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns.

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