Virtual Workshop - September 12th and 13th

For the rest of your life, you’ll be able to potentially generate significant income through one of the most lucrative opportunities ever known to mankind.
  ...I'm that guy who has spent $50K+ on a lot of Trading Courses/Programs/Signal Services over the years and I can say without a doubt Ryan Jones Trading is one of the only two companies that I don't regret spending money on.
Time is Money. So is Knowledge.

Combine them, and you have the recipe to write your own check.

That is exactly what the Cash Flow Spreads approach gives you.

The Cash Flow Spreads approach takes advantage of “warped time decay” between various options and expirations.

Just a few short years ago, what this unique strategy can do was not even available.

That’s because the only way to trade option spreads were based on monthly expirations.
Now that there are option expirations every day of the week, the opportunities are endless in how to create high-probability, low risk trades.

It is these short time periods between expirations that create the almost unbelievable “warped time decay”. And if you aren’t taking advantage of them, you are missing out on what could be one of the most lucrative machines known to man.

It is not uncommon to generate between $5,000 – $10,000 in a single week trading these “warped time spreads”.  

Take a look at these 3 trades closed out in one week with very little risk.
(If you want to see dozens and dozens of the trades I have covered in the LIVE TRADE calls this year, scroll down to the bottom of this page)
Every week I conduct a Live Trade Webinar where I implement some of the trades and techniques you learn in the workshop. Here is a sample of these trades (If you want to see dozens and dozens of these trades I have covered in the webinars, scroll down to the bottom of this page).
Check Out This ACTUAL FILL using my powerful Cash Flow Techniques you’ll learn at the Workshop:
  • No Risk to the Downside
  • ​HUGE Profit Zone Peaking Out at Almost $30,000 to the Upside
  • ​Maximum Risk is Approximately $2,000 if SPY Moves to 430
  • ​Only 2% Probability of SPY Moving to 430
  • ​Trade Ends in Just 3-Days
The trade above does not produce a large winner unless the market moves higher. So most of the time, you are taking a small profit or small loss. However, when the market makes a move, the payoffs can be dramatic.

Check out this trade taken right before a 12.00 point move to the upside produced a profit of $23,050, and that was just one trade of several that produced 5-figure gains that week (Nov 30th, 2022):
The trade below is called my “Umbrella” Trade and when it's available it is almost “Too Good to be True”
Again, these are actual fills.
Imagine taking a single trade that can produce up to $20,000 in a matter of 3-Days with no projected risks.
Now, of course, THERE ARE RISKS with this trade. But the combination of things that would have to happen to create any risk whatsoever is HIGHLY improbable. All of these are thoroughly examined in the Cash Flow Options Master Workshop.
| Profits Whether Markets
Most of the trades we put on make money in all directions, and the only risk is if the market makes an extreme move in one direction or another…and even then, the risks are very small. 

Plus, there are tricks to the trade that can eliminate risks during the trade, allowing for more trades to be placed (Profit Stacking).

This is Where the Profit Potential Gets Crazy Sometimes.
Sharpened Like a Surgeons Blade
I’ve taken hundreds and hundreds of these trades. I have honed this strategy to one of the most efficient income producing machines you’ll ever see.

I’ve done the work for you. I’ve spent thousands of hours pouring over the markets, various trades, endless contingencies.

And now I want to share all of the secrets with you. I want to give you the wealth of information I have so you can start potentially reaping the weekly windfalls right with me.

That is why I have put together the only workshop of it's kind, the Cash Flow Spreads Master Workshop

I want you to be able to take advantage of what can sometimes be insane option opportunities thanks to my special “Cash Flow” approach. 
Considering I just showed you one-week of trades that have the potential to produce $20,000 in profits in just 3-Days with a very high-probability of some sort of success… 
And considering the very high-probability associated with these trades…

I could easily charge $10,000 or more for this workshop. And at some point in the future, I probably will.  

But for now, I’m making it easy for those who see the value in becoming a Cash Flow Spreads Master.
When you walk away from this workshop, you are going to know exactly what you are going to trade, how you are going to trade it, why you are going to trade it, and how to scale to consistently generate a 5-figure income month in and month out.
You’ll know the exact trade you are going to place on the following Monday, meaning you’ll put this to work for you
CashFlow Spreads Master Workshop


All trades are ACTUAL FILLS (Screenshots of my TradePartner Platform) and covered in my LIVE TRADE calls:
Filled on 3/15, exits in just 3-days…
Filled on 3/29, trades end NEXT DAY.
Combination trade where both were winning….
Then the market dropped putting one at a loss, but increasing the other to a big profit… This is how combination trades work.
Sometimes they don’t work out quite as good…but still…
More combo trades:
There are dozens and dozens of ways to do this every week…this week I demonstrated a whole host of trades:
WE can go on, and on, and on…
When you learn how to set these trades up, your financial future will never look better…whether the market moves up, down or sideways.

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2023 SmartTrading LLC