Leverage Higher Volatility Into $1,000 - $4,000 Per Week With Very Low Risk Trades

The Market Correction Has Begun
The VIX is Over 60 For the First Time Since COVID Hit

The NASDAQ Composite is Down 16% From its Highs a Few Weeks Ago

The S&P is Down 10% From Highs

The 10 Year Treasury Bond Fell 2%

Japan’s NIKKEI Dropped 12% in its Biggest Daily Loss After a Surprise Rate Hike 

Gold is Down 25%, and Bitcoin is Down More Than 25%  

The Uncertainty is Growing. 
It could happen any day. And on that day, the opportunities that will appear are absolutely mind-blowing. 

They might last for a few weeks, a few months, or even a year.  

One thing is for sure, you want to be ready. 
  • You don't wait to put on your shoulder pads until after kickoff.
  • You don’t begin to prepare to run a marathon until after the starting whistle blows.
  • You don’t want to start preparing for these trades after the markets begin to slide. 
You could leave thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of dollars on the table in a very short period of time.   
What I’m about to reveal to you is the same exact strategy Jake from Texas used to turn his $3,000 account into over $54,000 in just 2-months during the pandemic.

I made the claim then that you could average $1,000 - $4,000 PER WEEK…

So let me show you all of my closed trades in just one account from the last time these trades were available: 

Add them up and you come up with $4,501 in net profits.

I made the claim then that you could average $1,000 - $4,000 PER WEEK…

So let me show you all of my closed trades in just one account from the last time these trades were available:
Add them up and you come up with $4,501 in net profits.

Plus, I had several open positions that could net me another $2,000 - $8,000 in the next 2-days.

That’s not even the crazy part...

As the stocks crashed, I was able to make an absolute KILLING.

And really, that’s not the crazy part either. 

Here is one of my special combo trades I had on... 
Actual Fills.

Minimum projected profit was over $1,000 no matter what.

There is a large range that could have made $2,000 or more.

And UNLIMITED PROFITS if SPY crashed or sky-rocketed.

Too Good to be True?

No, that isn’t that one. My trades that are too good to be true I’m not even going to show you on this page because you’d have to see what they are to believe them.

You Don’t Want to Pass this Up.

By not joining, you have potentially left Tens of Thousands of Dollars on the table.


After the limited time frame, the price goes to $2,997.

And it is worth 10x that.


Where else are you going to make trades like this:

Risk $50 to Make as Much as $750 with an 80% Probability of Success

Risk $125 to Make Over $1,200 with an 88% Probability of Success

Risk $300 to Make as Much as $15,000 on a Move Higher with only a 5% shot of realizing the maximum loss

Take for example this trade…this is my “Umbrella” 911 Emergency Trade. It is more of a bullish leaning trade, but even if stocks crash, I’m guaranteed to make $100 on this thing. If SPY moves higher, you’ll notice the highlighted profit range is at $20,000!
Actual fills, not hypothetical.

Unfortunately, the market moved down and I didn’t get to capture the massive profit potential on this trade. But I put this on every week.

To be clear, technically, there is risk on this trade even though the projection graph isn’t showing it. But the probabilities of the sequence of events that have to occur for that risk to actually materialize are very low.

And even if they did materialize, the risk is absolutely limited.

What do you think it is worth to just have this trade setup alone?

This is Different Than Everything Else Out There

I have very specific “option patterns” I use to create almost unbelievable trade opportunities when volatility is high.

These option patterns have:
  • High Probability of Success
  • ​Low, Limited Risks (average less than $200)
  • ​Huge Profit/Risk Ratios
  • ​Don't Use Any Greeks
  • ​No Complicated Math
  • ​Can be "Set it and Forget it" Trades
While the whole world has you focused on greeks, and buying options, and worthless iron condors, I’m going to show you how to really make money.

I’ve been doing it for years.

Every week I have a LIVE TRADE CALL (sometimes twice per week) and I put these trades on LIVE in front of you while I explain everything about the trade.

I explain the logic, the risks, the proper expectations, and exit strategy.

And I take the trades right there in front of you.

Because this is different from anything else you have done, it may take you a few weeks, or even a few months before you are comfortable taking your first trade.

But there is NOTHING else like this out there.

Search the world over, you won’t find it.

But most of all, because this can provide an incredible windfall with very little risk in a very short period of time.

911 Emergency Strategy traders don’t fear a market crash, they can’t wait until one happens.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for a market crash to start taking advantage of some of these trades.  

All we need is a minor correction and these types of trades start to appear. The deeper the correction, the better the overall risk/reward metrics.
Here is What You Get
  • 911 Emergency Strategy Sessions 1, 2, 3 (fully revealing everything)
  • ​Profit Stacking Short Course
  • 6-Months of 911 Emergency Strategy Live Calls
This is all you need to start taking advantage of the most incredible risk/reward opportunities that exist in the investment world.

I fully reveal everything.

I hold your hand with my LIVE TRADE sessions week in and week out.
Why Everyone Should Consider These Trades
  • Requires Very Little Capital (as Little as $2,000)
  • ​High Probability of Success (average around 80%)
  • ​Incredibly Logical (This is a basic Arbitrage Trade)
  • ​Low, Limited Risks (average less than $200)
  • ​10:1 Reward/Risk Ratios (sometimes better)
  • ​As Much as $6,000 Weekly Income Possible (Without Turbo-Charging)
  • ​Simple to Execute (No Market Watching, Set it and Forget it)
Time is Ticking Away. You Have A Limited TimeTo Take Advantage Of This Offer.

A Single Trade Could Make Triple or Even Quadruple What You are Paying for the Most Valuable Trading Education on the Planet.

And I haven’t even covered the half of it…

Some of the additional techniques you will learn on these LIVE TRADE calls will blow your mind.

And, the more volatile the market gets, the better the trades get.
Here is What You Get
  • 911 Emergency Strategy Sessions 1, 2, 3 (fully revealing everything)
  • ​Profit Stacking Short Course
  • 6-Months of 911 Emergency Strategy Live Calls
For a Single Payment of $997.
After a limited time, the Price Goes to $2,997.

Secure Your Spot Now

Or Call Spring at 918-203-7547


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Please remember that all investments carry some level of risk, including the potential loss of principal invested. They do not typically grow at an even rate of return and may experience negative growth. As with any structuring of a portfolio of investments, attempting to reduce risk and increase return could, at certain times, unintentionally reduce returns.

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